London Prospectus brochure

10 Science Strategy and MCQ Testing What many students fail to realise is that the way you sit the GAMSAT is often as important as your preparation beforehand. Knowing how to approach multiple choice examinations and to understand the complexities of what the GAMSAT is actually testing is key to how you should approach the exam when the day arrives. We focus on strategy throughout our teaching, but we spend two full days, specifically addressing the best strategy and approach to sitting the examination. This is then personalised and reinforced with your mentors, giving you the knowledge and experience of others who have recently succeeded in the exam. Our focus is across the whole spectrum of problem solving and reasoning but a few of the things we will cover include: • The nature and logic of multiple choice testing • What is the GAMSAT really testing? • How to triage the examination to fit with your own strengths • Speed reading and recognising meaning • Time management and dealing with pressure • The art of narrowing down the answers • How to recognise patterns within questions • Dealing with unusual and ‘off the wall’ graphs and data The GAMSAT is a unique examination in terms of approach and reasoning. The reason so many students struggle, is they often fail to see what the examination is really testing and simply approach it as another knowledge based test, with information to be learnt by rote and then utilised. The nature of the GAMSAT is far more subtle than this across all of its sections, and understanding the reasoning behind questions and most importantly, why they are actually being asked is key. Mock Exams An integral part of our courses is the bespoke online mock platform which simulates the real platform used by ACER for the test itself. The mocks directly replicate the skills and content utilised by ACER in the real exam. Our students will sit 15 full mocks on the full prep course, and 8 on the intensive skills course, gaining a unique experience in both the exam pressures as well as the intricacies of sitting the GAMSAT. Detailed analytics also provide individual GAMSAT scores relative to the group cohort. • Full Prep Course – 15 full mock exams for sections I and III together with 15 marked essays • Intensive Skilled Course – 8 full mock exams for sections I and III together with 8 marked essays. All mock exams, as indeed all the 8000+ questions on the OLC, are accompanied by full explanations and worked answers. Finally, there is an opportunity to sit a final invigilated mock exam at the end of the course, which is supplemented with a day of review led by the course director. “I am convinced that without the courses I would have been flailing in the dark! The course content was spot on and meeting all the other guys gave me the confidence that I was not making a big mistake by taking this leap of faith late in life. Big thanks for helping my dream become a reality.”