Platinum Centro

Centro Audio Visual Solutions Stunning multimedia displays with huge power to engage When it comes to getting a brand noticed in a crowded space, video is without doubt one of the strongest mediums to use. We are all naturally attracted to movement and light so it is no surprise that the use of video across all types of marketing continues to grow at an astounding rate, while production costs drop by the day. If you ever stop to look around at a crowded event, you will notice the stands attracting the lion’s share of people’s attention are almost always displaying engaging video content. By using just static printed graphics, it is usually very difficult for companies to explain their offering in the short time that new prospects give to decide whether to explore further, or walk away. An eye-catching video with entertaining content can give brands that extra time they need to get the message across clearly. Our Centro multimedia range is capable of holding 42” screens and are available in a range of different sizes and layout configurations. When dismantled the entire display, including the graphics, will fit into a series of practical, wheeled cases making these kits extremely portable display solutions with huge power to engage audiences.