Estate Sawmills Catalogue
SOFTWOOD Softwood Railway Sleeper 2.4m x 200mm x 100mm - Brown 2.4m x 200mm x 100mm - Green 2.4m x 250mm x 125mm - Green Treated new sleeper, suitable for retaining walls, raised beds and edgings. CHARRED BRUSHWOOD 2.4m x 250mm x 125mm Shot Blasted Finish which exposses the grain, charred then pressure treated with Tanatone preservative SMOOTH Sanded and Chamfered 2.4m x 200mm x 100mm Suitable for all garden projects including garden furniture IRO CHARRED AND BRUSHED 2.4m x 200mm x 100mm Each IRO sleeper is charred and brushed with a metal brushing system to accentuate the natural beauty of the wood gain 32 Call: 01274 487 882 Check website for current pricing RAILWAY SLEEPERS
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