welcome brochure

Preparing for your visit Your referral before you arrive Your veterinary surgeon has referred you and your pet to ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists to gain guidance and medical expertise of treatment for your pet. Payment is due at the time of your visit and we are happy to process your pet health insurance claim forms. It is advisable to check the level of your insurance cover before your visit. Please feel free to ask for an estimate of any costs prior to your appointment. We work closely with your own veterinary practice to ensure the highest possible levels of care for your pet. Reports are sent to your referring vet to keep them informed and up-to-date on your pet’s treatment. Our team of referral clinicians are always ready to help. Preparing for your visit It is possible that your pet will be admitted to the hospital on the day of their appointment for diagnostic tests and/or procedures, for which sedation or general anaesthesia may be required. To prepare for this, please do not feed your pet after midnight the night before their appointment; fresh water should be available at all times. Different advice will apply if your pet is under 8 weeks old, weighs under 2 kilograms, is diabetic or has a history of regurgitation - please contact the hospital for specific advice if this is the case. Usually, your pet should continue to receive all prescribed medications prior to their appointment and these can be given with a tablespoon of wet food if necessary, but please contact the hospital for advice in this instance. Although we endeavor to complete all procedures on the same day, this is not always possible so please allow the majority of the day for your visit to Chestergates and possibly an overnight stay as your pet may be hospitalised for further treatment and tests. 4 If you are bringing your dog to see our orthopaedic team, in advance of the appointment we would like to ask you some questions your dog’s health, lameness and current condition. In the next few days you should receive an email from us with a link to an online questionnaire. Your answers will help us to determine the severity of your dog’s problem and the effect it is having on their quality of life. For some conditions, if your dog requires surgery we may ask you similar questions in the future to monitor their progress and record any complications that may occur. We will use these results to evaluate the care we give to help your dog and improve care for dogs who have the same problem in the future. The email you receive will provide more information about this project. By completing the questionnaire you are agreeing to participation and to future contact for the purposes of monitoring your dog’s progress over time. Participation is voluntary; this will not affect the care your dog receives. If you do not receive the email please let us know when you come for your appointment and you can still complete the questionnaire if required.