Platinum Autumn Newsletter

NEWSLETTER 2024 Eco Incentives New Product Celebrating 36 years in business

“Couldn’t recommend Platinum more! The team always go the extra mile to meet deadlines (even the last minute ones) and do it with a smile on their faces! Thank you Ben and the team!” Neom “It looks amazing, everybody is really happy with the outcome.” Millie Starkie - Salon Promotions DE-STRESS REAL LUXURY Lavender, Jasmine & Sandalwood Contains: Linalool, d-Limonene, Nerolidol, Linalyl Acetate. Warning: May cause an allergic skin reaction. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Avoid release to the environment. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. Collect spillage. Dispose of contents/container to approved disposal site, in accordance with local regulations. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Never leave a burning candle unattended. Always extinguish the candle and do not relight when the wax is less than 1cm. Always burn on a heat protected surface. Contient : du linalol, du d-limonène, du nérolidol, de l'acétate de linalyle. Avertissement : Peut provoquer une réaction allergique cutanée. Toxique pour la vie aquatique avec des effets durables. Évitez le rejet dans l'environnement. EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LA PEAU : Lavez avec beaucoup de savon et rincez soigneusement avec de l'eau. En cas d'irritation ou d'éruption cutanée : Consultez un médecin. Récupérez les déversements. Éliminez le contenu/récipient dans un site d'élimination agréé, conformément aux réglementations locales. En cas de consultation d'un médecin, gardez à disposition le récipient ou l'étiquette. Conservez hors de portée des enfants. Ne laissez jamais une bougie allumée sans surveillance. Éteignez toujours la bougie et ne la rallumez pas lorsque le niveau de cire est inférieur à 1 cm. Placez toujours les bougies allumées sur une surface résistante à la chaleur. Enthält: Linalool, D-Limonen, Nerolidol, Linalylacetat. Warnung: Kann eine allergische Hautreaktion hervorrufen. Giftig für Wasserorganismen, mit langfristiger Wirkung. Nicht in die Umwelt freisetzen. BEI HAUTKONTAKT: Mit viel Wasser und Seife abwaschen. Falls Hautreizungen oder Ausschlag auftreten: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen. Verschüttete Mengen aufnehmen. Inhalt/Behälter unter Beachtung der örtlichen Vorschriften bei einer zugelassenen Entsorgungsstelle abgeben. Wenn Sie medizinischen Rat einholen müssen, Produktbehälter oder Etikett bereithalten. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Lassen Sie eine brennende Kerze niemals unbeaufsichtigt. Die Kerze immer löschen und nicht wieder anzünden, wenn das Wachs weniger als 1 cm hoch ist. Immer auf einer hitzebeständigen Oberfläche anzünden. Directions: Burn for a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 4. This will ensure the wax burns evenly. Trim wicks to about 1cm before lighting. Instructions : Faites brûler pendant un minimum de 2 heures et un maximum de 4. Cela garantira que la cire brûle uniformément. Coupez les mèches à environ 1 cm avant de les allumer. Gebrauchsanweisung: Mindestens 2 und maximal 4 Stunden brennen lassen. So wird sichergestellt, dass das Wachs gleichmäßig verbrennt. Die Dochte vor dem Anzünden auf etwa 1 cm kürzen. IT: Candela ES/ PT: Vela DK: Stearinlys SE: Ljus PL: Świeca CZ: Svíčka GR: Κερί RO: Lumânare RS: Свећа BG: Свещ NL: Kaars 185g 6.52oz REAL LUXURY SCENTED CANDLE BOUGIE PARFUMÉE • DUFTKERZE 500ml 16.9fl oz SUPER SHOWER POWER BODY CLEANSER Spearmint, Rosemary & Eucalyptus NETTOYANT POUR LE CORPS • DUSCHGEL 24 HOUR HYDRATION “Over the moon” Access Building Products

Personalised Envelope Printing Imagine your mail being eagerly opened because it speaks directly to the recipient. How much more effective would your communications be if each envelope was personalised, visually striking, and tailored to catch the eye of the recipient? Your direct marketing strategy is crucial to us. Whether it’s regular client communication via newsletters, advertisements, or monthly statements, we focus on your goals. From print to post, with camera matching technology and data protection, we manage your direct mail marketing campaign from start to finish, delivering on time and within budget. • Our service offers vibrant, full-colour printing that makes your envelopes stand out. • High-Speed Production: We can produce up to 7,500 envelopes per hour, ensuring your orders are completed promptly. • No Need for Labels: Save time and hassle with our direct-to-envelope printing, eliminating the need for separate address labels. • Quick Set-Up Time: Fast and efficient set-up ensures your campaigns can be launched without delay. • Versatile Printing Capabilities: We can print on all envelope sizes, with a maximum print area of 215x431mm and full bleed options for a seamless look on C5, C6 and DL envelopes. • Ideal for Short Runs: Perfect for print runs of up to 5,000 envelopes, making it cost-effective for customer communications, invoicing, and small promotional campaigns. A recent study found that 70% of consumers are more likely to open a personalised printed envelope compared to a generic one. Furthermore, branded envelopes are 80% more likely to be opened by your target audience than regular envelopes. Envelopes are a crucial part of your marketing strategy. With an average attention span of just 8 seconds, you have a brief window to capture your recipient’s attention. High-quality, attention-grabbing envelopes ensure that your message is not only received but also read. Don’t let your important communications get lost in the pile. Elevate your marketing efforts with our personalised envelope printing service and ensure your message stands out. Hey, Emma! Mrs E Sample Sample Street Sampleton SA1 MP2 STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD

As a Carbon Balanced Printer, we work alongside the global conservation charity World Land Trust to protect critically threatened habitats in Vietnam. This partnership not only offsets our carbon footprint but also safeguards the numerous endangered species inhabiting these forests. This year, we have taken additional steps to further reduce our carbon footprint by investing in new energy-saving measures. Solar Panel Installation In 2024, we launched a series of energysaving initiatives to achieve our environmental goals. Our commitment to sustainable practices underscores our belief that conscious decision-making and strategic investments can significantly reduce our environmental impact and inspire others to follow suit. This year, we completed the installation of additional solar panels at our headquarters in Harrogate, finalising our company-wide solar panel project. Our dedication to solar energy plays a crucial role in reducing harmful emissions and promoting a shift towards sustainable energy sources. The integration of solar panels into our operations aims to substantially decrease our carbon footprint, demonstrating that our actions make a measurable difference. Double Glazing To further reduce our energy consumption, we have installed PVCu double glazed windows throughout our buildings. Previously, single-glazed windows caused significant energy loss due to poor insulation. Since approximately 18% of heat is typically lost through windows, we anticipate a substantial reduction in energy consumption and heating costs during the winter months. New Boilers We have also invested in replacing our outdated, less efficient boilers with new gas boilers. This ongoing project aims to have all boilers replaced by 2025. Replacing old boilers with more efficient models generally results in a 20%-25% increase in efficiency, further reducing our carbon footprint. Continued Carbon Offsetting In addition to these measures, we continue our carbon offsetting efforts through the World Land Trust. We remain committed to making impactful changes and leading the way towards a greener future. Eco Incentives

BigChange was created to streamline field service businesses into a single, efficient platform. Recognising the industry’s fragmented processes, BigChange developed a system to improve communication, efficiency, and sustainability. The software enables users to schedule work, generate quotes, issue invoices, create reports and manage a sales pipeline among other features. Today, BigChange is an essential tool for over 2,000 companies and nearly 100,000 users, transforming businesses of all sizes into more efficient, profitable, and environmentally friendly operations. The Challenge BigChange approached us to design various campaign boxes aimed at engaging potential field service businesses with their software. We were tasked to create custom-made boxes that could neatly house various items. Additionally, we would be required to print and customise the boxes and literature to be included in the boxes. Once made up and filled, these boxes would need to be sent out with proof of delivery obtained, ready for the BigChange sales team to follow up on. The Solution Following our initial meeting with BigChange, we meticulously designed a range of printed packaging boxes tailored to house specific items for each campaign. We conducted extensive testing to ensure that both the boxes and their contents would withstand the postal journey intact. Our ability to personalise the boxes allowed BigChange to be more creative with their designs. The personalisation on the outside of the box, featuring the recipient’s name on the top, significantly increased engagement. Inside a personalised card with the recipient’s name on further drew the potential client in, encouraging them to fully digest the information within the box. The items inside—personalised brochures, call-to-action cards, instructions, and a selection of products including a drone, travel mug, personalised teabag, and boost bar—were sourced by either BigChange or Platinum. Coordinating the personalised printing and finishing of these items, as well as assembling and packing the boxes, required precise management of numerous moving parts. Despite the logistical challenges, including managing tight timelines, coordinating proof sign-offs, and ensuring timely mailing around crucial dates, we successfully navigated the process. Delivery information was quickly summarised and sent to the client to ensure a timed follow-up from the sales team. As a result of these campaigns, BigChange has seen an uptake in customers.

Swiss coffee machine manufacturing company, Franke Coffee Systems UK, recently entered into a strategic partnership with the Italian espresso machine and grinder maker, Dalla Corte. This collaboration expands Franke’s product range, moving beyond its traditional focus on super-automatic and vending categories within the coffee industry. Dalla Corte brings in a line of highly stylised semi-automatic and traditional portafilter espresso machines and grinders designed for the speciality coffee and high-end home markets. The Challenge In the pursuit of standing out in a competitive landscape, Franke Coffee Systems UK sought a promotional gifts supplier capable of offering distinct on-brand items for its brand, Dalla Corte UK. They were in search of something unique that would leave a lasting impression, all while overseeing the entire process from inception to completion. Dalla Corte UK required a supplier that would offer guidance, product recommendations aligned with their brand, and the capability to deliver a wide range of products. The Solution Platinum, with its comprehensive service approach and a dedicated account manager, stepped in to meet Franke Coffee System UK’s needs. By suggesting unique products that would effectively promote Franke Coffee Systems new offering of Dalla Corte machines in the UK, Platinum offered a tailored solution. The branded items were divided into two categories: workwear and promotional goods. Baristas received branded T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, aprons, towels, and caps to enhance the promotion of the Dalla Corte traditional Italian brand. Simultaneously, water bottles, backpacks, pens, tote bags, lanyards, and mugs were branded as promotional giveaways. With Platinum’s full-service offering, Franke Coffee Systems UK found assurance in having a reliable supplier for quality promotional items, ensuring a successful and impactful representation of their brand. “Thank you for getting all our items across to us, we really appreciate all your hard work.”

Platinum embrace sustainability with latest product launch At Platinum we believe that outstanding environmental practice needn’t cost the earth. The choices we make can have an impact on the world we live in. Making an informed decision to choose responsibly sourced paper and materials strengthens our commitment to the environment. That’s why we are proud to be one of just a handful of carbon-balanced printers, with an ISO 14001 accreditation. As a Carbon Balanced Printer, we are helping global conservation charity World Land Trust preserve critically threatened habitat. This not only offsets our carbon footprint, but it also helps protect the dozens of endangered species calling these forests home. You can trust that you’re working with a company whose environmental commitment goes beyond just paper choices. We’re on a mission to make sustainable printing practices accessible for all our customers. Our commitment to environmental responsibility extends beyond just the materials we use it’s ingrained in every aspect of our operations. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the latest additions to our ecofriendly range: biodegradable branded paper cups and biodegradable banner material. Our new bio-degradable cups are crafted from fully sustainable innovative packaging board engineered specifically for food and drink, our paper cups offer a durable yet eco-friendly solution. Unlike conventional cups that rely on laminated plastics or extruded polymers, ours are made without these materials, reducing their environmental footprint. Our goal is simple: to help businesses achieve sustainability without sacrificing product quality or performance. Our bio-degradable cups are designed to provide multiple barriers against moisture, grease, and liquid, ensuring that your beverages stay fresh without harming the planet. Unlike other cups on the market, ours can be recycled in any recycling stream, making them easy to dispose of responsibly. Additionally, they biodegrade at a faster rate, minimising their environmental impact. Plus, they’re methane-free, suitable for home composting, and repulpable, further reducing waste. In addition to the cups we are now also offering our new biodegradable banner which features decomposable media and a recyclable cassette. The banner material is tear and scratch-resistant and compatible with our Eco, Vali, or Medi banner systems available at differing price points. After its two-year lifespan when disposed of properly, it decomposes within 9 to 12 months leaving a reduced impact on the environment. Join us at Platinum in embracing sustainable solutions for your printing needs. Together, we can make a difference.

92% of respondents find Platinum’s performance/ service good or excellent 96% of respondents agreed that Platinum were accessible when you need to reach them 92% of respondents agreed that they would use Platinum’s products/services again 92% agree that Platinum’s sales team have good product knowledge 92% of respondents believe that Platinum offer value for money Survey Results 96% of respondents agreed Platinum reliably follow project timescales Client satisfaction exceeding expectations In the latest survey conducted among our customers, we were thrilled with the feedback we received. Take a look for yourself to discover what our customers have to say about our services.

What sort of duties do you have at work? A few of my duties include dealing with holidays, sickness, payroll, recruitment, training, Health & Safety. I also oversee accounts for sales and purchase ledger. What was your first paying job? Working at my parent’s residential home making tea and coffee in the morning for the residents. What kind of music do you like? All sorts but mostly RnB, dance, and cheese! What’s the best place you’ve travelled to? I was lucky enough to go travelling when I was younger with my then-boyfriend (now husband!). The best place would probably be where he proposed to me—the other side of the world in Sydney. What’s the most exciting part of your job? Being able to help everyone and make people smile. Where did you work before this position? I worked for Transdev, a bus company. Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? I enjoy the gym and running when I can! What motivates you at work? Knowing I am doing a good job and everyone is happy and things are right. What’s one thing you’re really bad at? Losing! What’s one thing you’re really good at? Hopefully being a mum to Jacob and being organised. What show are you currently binge-watching? Love Island! Have you ever met anyone famous? The Stoltman brothers. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A nurse. How would your friends describe you? Happy, smiley, cheeky, kind! Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovert! Do you have any phobias? I don’t like heights. What three items would you take with you to a deserted island? Bikini, pillow, and duvet! Katie’s enthusiasm and positive energy are infectious, and her commitment to her role is truly inspiring. We’re lucky to have her on our team, ensuring everything runs smoothly and everyone feels supported. Spotlight Meet Katie, Our Dynamic HR Manager! In this edition of our newsletter, we’re excited to introduce Katie, our HR Manager, whose vibrant personality and dedication to her work make her an invaluable part of our team. Get to know Katie through her answers to some fun and insightful questions!

6 9 4 8 5 9 3 7 5 8 6 9 6 9 7 4 4 5 2 3 6 3 7 5 3 4 6 5 4 6 JOIN US AT THE LEEDS Come and visit us at the Leeds Marketing Showcase on October 8th at the Royal Armouries. Tickets are free - simply visit the event website to download yours. The Marketing Showcase is the UK’s premier event for marketing professionals, featuring the latest technology and the expertise you need to elevate your marketing efforts. Don’t miss out! A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Additions! Mabel Cockerham Charlotte Moulson This year, we are delighted to welcome two new members to the Platinum family. The first bundle of joy, little Mabel Cockerham, was born on Saturday, June 22nd, to Mike in pre-press and his wife Jenny. The second addition is baby girl Charlotte Moulson, who arrived on Sunday, July 7th. She is the daughter of our Sales and Marketing Director, Samantha, and her husband Guy. Congratulations to both families on their beautiful new arrivals! Platinum Puzzle Fill in the puzzle so that every row across, every column down and every 9 by 9 box contains the numbers 1 to 9. Email a picture of every correctly completed puzzle and we will make a donation to the World’s Land Trust.

“I am one of the Marketing Managers for Experian and Platinum Print has saved us numerous times! Not only have they managed super fast turnarounds (which other suppliers have not been able to cope with) but they have provided extremely high quality products and a really great service. I cannot imagine us using another supplier!” Fran O’Neill - Marketing Manager - Experian “They are very reliable, honest and trustworthy and do a fantastic job. There’s nothing really they can’t do and all the printed material is done in-house, so they have full control. Ben is very easy to get along with, very helpful and inspirational and resourceful if you need help with anything.” Sue – Grassland & Forage Support - Carr’s Billington ““The pens are a big hit in the office! They’re looking really nice and have had good feedback so far, thanks so much to you, Cheryl and the team’s work on this.” Leeds Trinity University FLAP E 229 162mm 45mm x 90mm 20mm Left 60mm Up

Park House ° Hookstone Park ° Harrogate ° HG2 7DB 01423 881158 ° [email protected] ° PlatPrint PlatinumPrint @PlatPrint CBP2244